Photo Editing

This blog I will show how I mostly edit the photos on my magazine using a cellular app called VSCO it helps me easily gain control to edit lighting and color depth of the picture to make a professional looking picture.
Using the app I have set the exposure of the picture to -0.7  and this will be the main setting I will be using for most of my photos. This helps reduce the amount of light that the photo receives
This setting helps me alter the contrast between the white and dark light to create a perfect in between white balance to compliment the photo. It also helps to create a brightness at the peaks of the face to stand out

This setting on the app I have set to -2.6 which for this particular setting is the main placement this enhances the main features and details of the photo
This setting I placed to 0.6 the saturation is important to the photo because it helps bring a warm tone colors to the face and or anything that has colors in the photo which helps me use these photos for my magazine to create a pigmented high quality photo.


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