Beauty photographer research

Good morning this blog I will be researching famous photographers famous for taking beauty photography. Since I will be taking all the pictures on my own researching methods on ways to take photographs for this specific category could help me take better photos.

Kristina Varaksina
Image result for kristina varaksinaImage result for kristina varaksina

Kristina likes capturing the emotion of the people she photographs. She focuses more on facial features. Most of her works are female oriented which makes her works a form of inspiration for my and the magazine I will be creating.

Christel Bangsgaard
Image result for christel bangsgaardImage result for christel bangsgaardImage result for christel bangsgaard
She is a fashion photographer who can be seen to have a specific style of taking pictures. She always include vibrant colors and very dark lighting to give the effect of the photo. Her pictures could be beauty photographs in which I can use as a guide for poses in my magazine.

Bill Diodato
Image result for bill diodatoImage result for bill diodatoImage result for bill diodato
Bill has some cosmetic photography in which he not only includes people but he includes pictures of cosmetics which is useful if I wanted to take photographs of makeup, or cosmetic brands to include in the magazine.

Gorbachenko, Y. (2016, November 17). IPA's Top 10 Beauty Photographers. Retrieved from


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